Thursday, July 1, 2010

Forever is a long time

Kyle and I decided not to sleep in the tent last night because it was too cold. I even froze in my bedroom, had to double up my blanket.

Well, it's the first day of July and the days really are getting shorter. We have no plans whatsoever for 4th of July because both of the families we invited over can't make it. So it’ll just be the four of us as usual. I decided to splurge and get some nice baby back ribs to BBQ on the grill. Never tried that, and since we got a new grill for Father’s Day, we might as well do it. I am actually learning how to grill. I never do it because I’m not too fond of the fire/gas thing, but I have used the new grill a few times, so I am conquering my fear.

Alas, the end of another era in my life. I had my last physical therapy appointment today! Yay! The shoulder still isn't perfect, but it'll have to do. Just thankful I didn't need to have it ripped out of the socket like they were first talking about.

I always had pig-tails when I was little.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I'm getting old. I mean, it’s pretty obvious when I look in the mirror, but I’m still the same on the inside. I’m still that tomboy that loved riding horses, and playing with a GI Joe action figure instead of a girly doll.

Love the pants that are too short and the army boots. I'm sure I was in a hurry to get back to some important mission.

Yesterday I was reflecting on my life, looking back over it wondering how I got here, thinking about choices I've made along the way, and I started playing the old "what if" game.

For instance, what if I hadn't quit high school? What if I hadn't run off to get married when I was 18? What if I had gone to college instead? So many more…

It's probably stupid and pathetic of me to put myself through this, I realize that. But maybe sometimes it's good to look back, take a serious look at our mistakes so we can see why we made bad choices. I'm thinking about how much my life has changed since I was a naïve teenager. I can't even imagine if I lived to be 100 how many things I would be thinking about. I can’t help wondering if when I look back would I be smiling or crying? The Bible tells us to forget those things that are behind us and to press on…so that’s what I’m gonna do. God’s word also says to be content with wherever we are in life, whether we have all the things we want or not. God’s word is perfect, and I believe what He says.

The most important decision in my life was the day I got saved when I was 16 years old. It was then that I understood what Jesus did for me, and He became my Savior.

Got bored one day and made a pair of 43 inch stilts.

I don't know who reads this blog; maybe nobody. Sometimes I wonder why I write the things I do. I don’t mean to get all philosophical, but hey, that’s just me. Today while loading groceries into my car, I realized that I am constantly talking. Seriously, I don’t think my brain ever shuts up. If no one is around, I’m talking to myself, or I’m talking to God because He is always listening. He knows me; He knows everything about me and He still loves me. I know that I’m not worthy of His love, and I know that I will never understand why Jesus loved me enough to die for me, but He did. And He died for YOU too. Please stop and consider how long eternity is. Do you know how to get to heaven? I’m going to be there, and I want YOU there too. If you know me well enough to still be reading this, or even if you don’t know me at all and you just happened to stumble upon this post, it wasn’t an accident! PLEASE TRUST IN JESUS CHRIST TODAY. There’s nothing magical about it. Just believe in your heart that Jesus died to pay for your sins, so that you may be with us forever.

A Christian is no different from anyone else except that we understand that we are sinners in need of a Savior. We have placed our faith in Christ alone to save us from an eternity in hell. And since we know this, we want you to know it too. When we have unsaved loved-ones in our lives it’s a terrifying thought to consider that we may never see them again!! If I never see you again in this lifetime, please promise me I’ll see you in heaven!

Believe in Jesus Christ today!

"For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in (trusts in) Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16

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