Sunday, April 5, 2020

Darryl's birthday

blowing up balloons from a distance

Since our country is basically in lock-down mode, we can't get close to no hugs or visits from the kids.  But Kyle and Hilary were able to drop off a nice birthday dinner along with these sweet decorations, even though they never actually got to see him.  I feel bad that I neglected to get a picture of Darryl taking a nap with the blanket over his face. 

We are enjoying our new home and the peacefulness of the location.  Thankful there are no yapping dogs or traffic.

Praying that all this wackiness will end soon. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

our story begins

the moving vans at the old location

loading up some heavy stuff

Exhausted; taking a moment in the sunshine as I wait for the moving guys to arrive at our new home.

my view at that moment

our stuff arrives at the new house

our guys were fantastic

Darryl's gigantic TV got damaged...he was sad

If you know me, you know I hate clutter, so I've been breaking my back (and my front) to empty boxes and get organized as fast as possible.  Still have a long road ahead.  Darryl's back to work now after being off for 2 weeks, so he's unable to get much done.

I found my teddy bear yesterday....Awwww :)
The worst part about all of this is that I haven't been able to see my kids with all this idiotic nonsense of the pandemic.  We are prisoners in our own homes...for another MONTH!  Nice going, Trump.

Harmony Cove

Our lives began on Harmony Cove less than a week ago.  These are shots of my first night there alone.  My official move-in date was March 25th.
I couldn't sleep much so I got up and walked around the big empty house and took pictures and made sure all the doors were locked.