Monday, July 19, 2010

WV bound...

Ryan had a great time on the missions trip to Savannah, Georgia. Heard a story about a girl who got saved after hearing Ryan sing one of his songs that really touched her. Praise God! Here is that song.

He also played the part of Jesus in the Lifehouse “Everything” Skit. He did a great job! The LORD Jesus Christ truly touches everything in our lives.

So, yesterday some hot dog cop gives me a ticket for improper passing after he just got done doing the same thing, and without even signaling. I am going to have to appeal his decision to give me that ticket. I will ask my Dad what he thinks about the situation, if he thinks I will be successful or not.

It just so happens I am in the car on my way to West Virginia while I type this. Darryl figured out how to tether my laptop to my IPhone so I’d have access to it while we drive. The internet signal goes in and out, but hey, being able to type on my keyboard is way easier than typing on my phone. Ain’t technology grand?

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