Monday, July 26, 2010

High Seas Expedition

Busy week!

It was a long day at church yesterday getting some last minute stuff ready for VBS. Then on the way home we had some fun on 80 as our car was being blown by strong winds. Here’s one of the pics Kyle took of the storm clouds.

They were so big and ominous looking; as if evil itself was hanging from the sky.

Back to church last night to hear Pastor Mark, and then Gen Y. I was only slightly nervous when I found out there was a strange man lurking outside, and we couldn’t get the door to lock. It didn't help much when Spiro stopped by and started rattling the door trying to get in. =) Oh well.

Home by 11 and then bed at midnight. Morning came way too fast today.
50 minutes back to church this morning to begin our VBS week. (love rush hour on 80) Not sure exactly how many kids were there, but I’m guessing 100+. This is only the 2nd time in my life I’ve ever helped with a VBS program. And when I was a kid growing up, we never had VBS so I never even went to one. It’s all new to me. The kids seem to really love it there; most of them anyway. I know that a couple of them in Kyle’s group went a little ballistic during the Bible time so hopefully they will calm down for tomorrow.

Praying that the Lord will do miracles this week in the hearts of the little ones.

Kyle just saw a bear in our side yard when he went to get the mail. He came running in to find the camera but by that time the bear was probably long gone. Kyle was a bit too spooked to go out and get the mail after that, so we both went out. We didn't see the bear.

Kyle lost his new yoyo. Can’t find it anywhere! He’s having major stress over it because he needs it for Rethinkyoyo day on Thursday. Poor kid. I’m waiting for God to show him where it is!!

God's word is true!

Pastor Mark Wright

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