Thursday, September 2, 2010

is the nest half empty or half full?

The Sunday Show...this is the first time we heard this one. He sang it in Michigan. There was another one, but you know how temperamental blogger is when it comes to uploading videos.

We’ve been so busy since we got home that we’ve hardly had time to think. And that’s a GOOD thing because if I stop long enough to think I’m sure I’ll cry. It’s awful not having Ryan here. When we went grocery shopping, I had to stop myself from buying the things I would normally buy for him. He’s not here to give me hugs in the morning, but Kyle has taken it upon himself to hug me now… lol He’s not here to give Kyle critique on his tutorials, and all the many ways he helps Kyle. He’s not here to go to church with Darryl. He’s not here to sing for us, and I really miss that! He’s not here to smile and encourage.

Not only do I miss him terribly, but I am trying to deal with the fact that our lives are changed forever! We are no longer a solid family unit. After college, both boys will most likely move off wherever the Lord leads them, and then next thing you know, they will be married and have kids. I know those are all good things, it’s just that I am so sad that we’ll never have that close family unit again where we all live together. I have to tell you that I think our country has it all wrong. I think part of the reason why families get so screwed up is because we all go off and separate ourselves from our families as soon as we are old enough. In many other countries, the families all live together. Even in some poorer area of the U.S. they do it that way, where they might have a plot of land and there are several families all living on it. That is how things should be. It would solve the problem of having to travel so far to see the very ones who raised us, or the ones we gave birth to and raised. It would solve the problem of caring for elderly parents, because the whole family would help. It would solve the problem of having no babysitters, no caregivers, and loneliness. And there would be no need for family reunions because you could get together whenever you want. That’s how things should be.

I don’t know any other way to live through this painful separation than to keep busy working, and so far that hasn’t been a problem. If it’s this bad now, I can’t even imagine how depressed I will be when Kyle goes next fall. I plan on spending the next year hanging with Kyle at every opportunity. There is nothing more precious than our children. I will NEVER understand parents who say things like, "I can't wait till the kids go back to school." Or "I can't wait till they grow up and move out." What is wrong with them? Why did they even have kids if they don't want them? Breaks my really does.

This is from Ryan's graduation party concert. It is called What You See In Me

This is when he performed in the Lifehouse Everything Skit

God, please help me make the best use of my time.

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