Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'm going to be a grandma

Found out today that I’m going to be a grandma for the very first time. It hasn’t quite sunk in yet.

Decided to purchase an airline ticket for Ryan so he could fly home for Thanksgiving week…which is good because he needs to go to the orthodontist to have his braces adjusted! I wonder how long his hair will be by then. I know he had wanted to put in a purple streak once he got to college, but on the very day he checked in he found out it wasn’t allowed.

Today I got a really nasty root canal. The Dr. ended up giving me like 6 shots to get me numb. Man! Then I went out for supper tonight thinking it should be ok by then. I was wrong. The whole side of my jaw is hurtin’ so bad that I had to bring my entire steak home. Maybe just settle for ice cream tonight. =)

So, I was sitting in bed this afternoon after 6 shots of Novocain and my tongue feeling like the size of Manhattan, and I happen to look outside and saw this bear meandering through our back yard. It was so awesome. He just strutted through like he owned the place. Kyle got these 2 pictures after I screamed frantically to him on the intercom. We are going to name him and leave him peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in a picnic basket. Hehe… just kidding, Mom!

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