Friday, September 3, 2010

getting on with life

Kyle wanted me to mention that when we were coming home from Michigan, an employee at one of the rest areas was so impressed with his yo-yoing that he asked him to come over to sbarro Pizza and do an impromptu show for all of the workers there. It was great. Kyle was paid with this slice of pizza. Haha… I keep telling him he needs to get a “Tips” belt or hat, or something!

I think we have a bear. When we got back from Michigan the wire fence around our garden had been moved and a lot of the stuff had been eaten and was a bit trampled. I don’t think a groundhog would be able to move the fence like that. Our neighbor told me she saw 2 bears together in her yard the day before we came home.

Today Kyle and I went for a bike ride. It was great to get outside again, away from the bills and insurance and phone and blah, blah, blah….. I decided to pick these cool wildflowers that God made. While I was taking them home in my bike basket, the cat tail fell out, so we had to drive back there to find it. I made this fabulous arrangement for our dinner tomorrow night. Hehe.. I really like it!

It looks better in person...

Then later when I was picking some fresh basil for a spice rub (for a delectable beef tenderloin), I spotted this adorable little fuzzy caterpillar. I picked it up to show Kyle and he snapped this picture.

Ryan called. He’s doing good, experiencing new things out in the wilderness. He says it reminds him of mission trips he’s been on. Yesterday he got the wind knocked out of him and injured his leg when he got "blobbed" into the water. He’s been rock climbing, and doing other neat things with his group… and he says it’s cold there. For some odd reason he is using his beach towel for a blanket instead of his blankets! Tomorrow he goes back to GBC to start adjusting to dorm life. I’m sure I will feel a bit more relieved when I see him “online” on Facebook, even if we aren’t chatting….just knowing he’s there!

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