Tuesday, September 21, 2010

end of summer

This will probably be my last official summer picture for 2010.

I never expected to spend all day in the kitchen, bent over the counter, and slaving over the stove… haha….but that is exactly what I did!! I know, not too bright with a sore back! I started out making a pot of homemade spaghetti sauce from a big pile of our tomatoes, fresh basil, oregano, parsley, and hot peppers from my garden. Then I made a large dish of mac and cheese with bacon on top to have with dinner tonight, and then I made a pot of chicken soup for tomorrow, and then an extra Pepperoni Pizza Pasta for the freezer for when Ryan comes back at Thanksgiving. So that consumed the majority of my day.

Let’s see, Ryan found out he will be touring with the Grace Singers from January 7-17th. They will be going to Florida but I’m not sure where else. We definitely have to go see him sing!! I can’t wait for that; it’ll be so cool. He says he loves his guitar lessons and his voice lessons, so I’m real happy about that. So thankful to God that Ryan has adjusted to college life and he is doing so well there.

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