Thursday, September 16, 2010

random ramblings...

I’m in pain…went back to the dentist today to get a post put in my tooth that just had the root canal. There is a problem. The dentist told me when he did the root canal that he was going to send my tooth to heaven. But he lied. My tooth is still very much alive even though he really did try to murder it. Ugh…and now he goes and rams a metal post into it trying to put it out of its misery. Now it hurts!! I also noticed I have a bruise on the OUTSIDE of my jaw from all the shots I got last week!!

So this post is just the ramblings of an emotional woman on pain pills.

I still miss Ryan. I miss his singing, and his crazy voice practice that used to make me jump because it sounded like a cat being swung around by its neck. I miss how he’d get up and make the same breakfast almost every morning…including salsa on his eggs. I keep forgetting to ask him if they have salsa at GBC.

What’s good? I’ve been VERY busy gearing up for CBC at church. Lots to do, along with all my regular volunteer stuff. I think I have a full time job here! Today I did some new stuff on the new church website. It’s not official yet but check it out!! No, really, go ahead….click it….it won’t bite you:

Kyle got the thing made for us in one day. He is one amazing kid!! Just have to add sermons and stuff….so people who live far away in Michigan can still hear them.

What else? Dana said she got the first picture of her “blob” the other day. I guess mom and baby are doing fine aside from the usual morning sickness.

Time for ice cream. Hey, I have been running every morning, I can have a little ice cream!!

Thinking back on days when life carried very little burdens. 16 years old and a brand new Christian. Yeah, those were good days.

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