Monday, September 27, 2010

I just wanna be a super mom

Not much new here.

Mostly the same thing, day in, day out. Make bed, cook, clean up, do laundry, cook more, clean more, do more laundry, pay bills, do stuff for church, and more stuff for church….try to fit in exercise when possible. There really is nothing different from day to day unless I go out of my way to do something different. But the sermon yesterday about moms was so encouraging to me. I was reminded that all the mundane stuff we do as housewives and moms day after day is still important. I might get tired of cooking, washing dishes, folding clothes, cleaning the same things over and over… but if I do it all as unto the Lord it becomes more meaningful. I am valuable and my job is important even when I don’t feel it is.

Today I spent half the day standing in the kitchen cooking, making some meals ahead of time. I had Pandora on and sang and worshiped the Lord while I prepared food. It was wonderful… That’s not to say that I didn’t get tired after several hours, but it was sure nice to sing His praises.

Seriously though, nothing much happens in my life. Aside from a few bears and a pending court case my life is totally uneventful. There is really no one who calls me or comes to see me. My acquaintances from church live too far away to socialize with, so it’s just me and Kyle home alone most days. And that’s fine with me. I think this is where God wants me, for whatever reason. Maybe He wants me to concentrate completely on being a mom right now. So I have given up trying to go out of my way to "make" friends. If God ever wants me to have local friends in this life time He can send them to me in His own good time…

So Kyle and I did something fun Saturday night. We decided to camp out in our living room. We do have a blast together. Can’t wait to take him out driving…

Phil. 4:11b I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.

Time for Packer game.

Go pack go…

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