Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?

It was a long journey getting home. Yesterday we were on the road for over 12 hours! We discovered when we got home that we didn’t have any power and couldn’t get in our house (garage door openers don’t work without power, of course). And my house key was in the garage with my car. Darryl’s house key was in Wayne with his car. So we thought, “Oh we’ll just drive on over and pick up the keys, and by the time we get back the power will be on.”

Haha...such silly thinking. We didn’t realize the extent of the flooding in the area. But we soon found out how bad it was when it took us over 2 hours just to drive the 30 miles to return the van that Pastor Karl so graciously let us borrow, and pick up the keys. So many roads were closed!! It was crazy out there.
We just never expected that at all. So late last night we went to a hotel to spend the night. Today we went home to pack up some stuff and got a hotel because we weren’t expecting to have power until next week. But we were very surprised when we got it back at 4pm. So, we did finally go home and had a nice home-cooked meal. Tomorrow we will have to clean the basement because our yard was so soggy that our septic (?) started backing up into our basement. I’ll also try to remember to take a picture of our backyard.

Praise item: we didn’t lose much food at all!!

Even though the power went out days ago when Irene came through, and our insurance company said it would all be bad, we never opened the doors to look inside until the power had been back on for like an hour or two, and so I guess that is why it didn't go bad. The fridge in the kitchen did an amazing job!! The frozen food was still frozen!!! How can that be? Some of the food in the fridge was bad but that’s ok. The meat in our basement freezer had thawed out but it was still a bit cold, so we are going to keep it. We ate some of it for supper and we’re not sick yet so we figured it was ok. The freezer in the garage had all thawed out too but fortunately there wasn’t much out there except drinks and bread and veggies. So, seriously we escaped with very little loss of any kind. Thanking God for that!

So, here is begins; our first night back home without the boys here. It is insanely quiet. I actually turned my radio on for a while.

Ryan is doing a great job of getting his concert video chopped up and put on YouTube!! So proud of what he has accomplished.

Kyle is so busy that he said his days are like “eternities” (but in a good way). He loves Grace Adventures!

Thank You, God!

For anyone who is worried about me, don’t be. I’m fine. Just taking things one day at a time. See where it leads me.

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