Sunday, August 28, 2011

there's a hurricane in my heart

Ryan got an apartment at Grace Bible College. We didn't realize what type of place he was getting, otherwise we would have brought household items with us. He will need to buy pots and pans, dishes, utensils....basically everything! Wish we had known that before we went to Michigan. Oh well, there is a Goodwill nearby.
Lots of "stuff" but no furniture.

A couple pictures of the kitchen and living room.

Outside his front door.

Out front of the cafeteria.

Out front of the new commons area.

Inside the new building by the 2-way fireplace.

I really didn't think I would be too sad leaving Ryan at the college. He was so excited to go back and he has tons of friends there. I know he will have such a great year. But I completely fell apart as we were getting ready to leave. Seems all the thoughts, fears, and emotions I have been holding inside the past few months just came flooding out. I can't even explain how empty I feel. How totally ripped out my heart feels. I know it is basically sinful to worry, but honestly I am so worried. I'm worried about the boys getting hurt. I'm worried about Kyle getting school work done. Worried about Kyle hearing his alarm in the morning. Worried about car accidents. AND I'm worried about me. I'm worried that I might not ever feel happy again. I'm worried that we won't be close anymore.

How to stop worrying? How to stop hurting? I don't know. When I get there, I'll let ya know.

The hurricane has passed now. I called the NJ State Police to see how the roads are by our house to make sure it is safe to come home from Michigan. They assured me we can get to our house with no problems, so we're really hoping the house isn't flooded, and hoping for no damage outside.

We will have just enough time to unpack, do laundry, get some work done and then pack up to go on the cruise. I suppose the emptiness of the house might not hit me completely until we get home from the cruise. Really can't imagine not having the boys around. Can't imagine it at all. Can't even think about how quiet it will be. How empty, how lonely.

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