Friday, April 8, 2011

Welcome to the world, Ethan Michael

I snagged this picture from Dana's Facebook profile. He's certainly a cutey, huh? Some day I hope his mother will introduce us.

I have been thinking a lot about the prodigal son. If I remember correctly, the Dad never went out looking for the son or attempted to contact him to ask him to come home. Nope, he waited and trusted the Lord for the outcome. I need to read it again, but I think the son just came back to his Dad when he realized what he had done and he was lower than the servants who were tending the pigs. See, the thing is, he had to face his demise because he ran out of money and he had no food. But in these big government times we live in now, everybody can get food stamps and government assistance if they don't work. Nobody ever really has to bottom-out anymore. I've been waiting for Dana to hit bottom for years, but stupid me, I always bailed her out.

Oh well. This is way out of my hands. God can change her heart and bring her to her senses, or she can harden her heart even further. But as the parent of a prodigal child, it is not up to me to go seeking her out. It is only up to me to wait on the Lord, be patient, and pray.

1 comment:

Jenn said...
