Friday, April 1, 2011

Living in a snow globe and I can’t get out

How do you work the best? I like peace and quiet, or sometimes I like to have praise and worship music playing. But I do not like to have to listen to other people’s conversations. It’s distracting and stressful. Not sure why some people have to have all their phone conversations with the speaker on, but it makes me crazy. It’s like I am being bombarded by their work and I can’t focus on my own work. Ugh... I can’t read, I can’t think, I can’t concentrate. Just because I don’t get paid for anything I do doesn’t mean my job is any less important. Do you have any pet peeves like that?

When I get frustrated with my environment, I try to remember that I’m working for the Lord and not for man. But that doesn’t really help my frazzled nerves or the stress headaches. Good thing I don’t drink or I’d be sucking them down just to drown out the noise. This must be why I like my quiet time right before I go to bed. Or my quiet time early in the morning before the phone starts ringing.

When I’m doing food prep I can’t stand having outside distractions. I need my creative juices flowing so I can create a masterpiece. If there is a lot of noise, it jars my nerves and inhibits my thought process. If you come to my house when I’m preparing dinner, please stay out of my kitchen (unless you are helping)!! Hah... I don’t like running into people when I’ve got knives or boiling water in my hands. I have stabbed myself enough times I would hate to stab you too.

I have never read the Message Bible. But I looked up this verse and I’m posting it here because it cracked me up.

1 Thess. 4:11-12 Stay calm; mind your own business; do your own job. You've heard all this from us before, but a reminder never hurts. We want you living in a way that will command the respect of outsiders, not lying around sponging off your friends.

Well, I got all my seeds planted that I can start indoors. I’m wondering now what I’m going to do with them when they begin to grow because we don’t even have our garden ready yet. Pretty hard to do anything outside because we keep getting snow. Yep, it’s snowing again today. Looks real pretty out there but it feels like it’s never gonna end. I’m guessing that one day this month it’ll just shoot up to 90 degrees on our deck, and then spring will be over! That seems to be what usually happens. So, I planted 3 or 4 different types of tomatoes, cukes, red bell peppers, tomatillos, and jalapenos. My first batch of tomato seeds are doing really well. They might want to go in the ground soon. When we do get the garden ready, I’m going to plant spinach and 2 kinds of radishes too. Who knows what else.

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