Monday, June 28, 2010

time to make the donuts

I spent all day Saturday getting ready for church. It took me all morning to make the dumb donut muffins for coffee break. Then I ended up burning some of them because I was preoccupied trying to do other things. Ran out to get fruit, made 2 big bowls of fruit salad (one for church and one for home so there’d be no jealousy), did a quick bulletin insert, worked on power point, and finally, went over songs with Ryan. That was my most fun part of the day because we all sat outside and sang together, which is one of my favorite things to do! And I’m sure gonna miss that when he goes to college!!!

At church the graduates were recognized for their achievements and given a Bible.
Ryan was leading worship. He also sang his new song, which a couple people told me they really liked. No one said anything about the “eating ourselves alive” part, so that was good. lol
After church, drove back home to take Ryan for his practice for the Lifehouse Everything skit. I can’t wait to see that. Ryan is playing the part of Jesus! After a short break at home, Kyle and I went back to Wayne for Mrs. Bosland’s 100th birthday celebration. Man, it was HOT!! They wouldn’t let anyone in the house to cool off, so Kyle and I left. Not to mention that I was not gonna “go” in the 110 degree porta potty!

Fortunately, we got invited to go hang out at Limandri’s pool for a couple hours until it was time to go back for church. Had a blast!!! Loved it!

After the evening service when Kyle went to the parsonage I stayed at church. Think I fell asleep watching a movie. That couch is so comfortable! Decided to go downstairs and get some coffee…when I turned the lights on the place was crawling (hopping) with... guess what…CRICKETS! Thank goodness they weren’t as big and ugly and disgusting as the ones we have. But I wonder why I didn’t see them last time I went down there at night!! They were all over the place. Ugh!!!

My house is a mess. Looks like slobs live here! Ugh!!
I lost Kyle's mouse.
We are putting the tent up today and camping outside.
Ryan is leaving tomorrow to go to Creation.

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