Monday, June 7, 2010

good parent vs pitiful parent

After spending a few hours going through pictures and scanning and all that, they never did have the slide-show with them.

Last night was very awkward. Kyle went to Gen Y at the parsonage and I went to a hotel to hangout till it was over because Darryl doesn’t want me driving home late at night. It didn’t end until 10:45 so it would’ve been after 11:20 when I got home. Driving 10 minutes to the hotel was much better than that, but it cost me $80.00. (I won’t even mention how tired and irritable I was by the time I actually picked him up). What I want to know is where do I draw the line and say this is just too much to deal with? My son wants to go develop friendships, but are we doing the right thing by spending that much money just so he can spend a few hours there? Should I just hang at church like I did the first time, buck up and drink a lot of coffee, and drive home afterward? Or should I just tell him forget about going to church on Sunday nights altogether? Because right now that is how I feel. I really don’t know the answer. I wonder what other parents would be willing to give up to let their kids go to a small group. I wonder how many husbands would want their wives out driving around late at night.

Same thing for my small group which is 40 minutes away. Is it even worth it to me to drive there and back late at night when I’m tired? Am I getting enough out of it to risk my life? The answer seems simple.

Here’s where Kyle and I spent the night last night. I took these while I was there alone with a TV with very limited channel selection, and NO FoodNetwork.

view from our window

The room was ok, but it was a smoking room b/c that’s all they had left, so it was definitely smoky, and there was leftover food in the fridge. When Kyle and I got back there last night we ate chocolate and talked about what we should do in the future. We didn't come up with the answer, and we both felt really pathetic for being there.

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