Saturday, June 12, 2010

happy mouth, happy heart =)

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess. 5:16-18

Had a great day! Ryan went to sing at a nursing home as part of the Grace Gives effort, while Kyle and I set off to clean the garage. But we didn’t get far. Decided to try on our rollerblades and take them for a spin. I’m thinking it must be 5-6 years since we tried to skate. Mine still fit me (haha… at least my feet aren’t any bigger!) and Kyle fit into Darryl’s, so it worked out well. We rode around the garage b/c it was the only place that was level. We tried going in the driveway but it was just too harrowing! Darryl was afraid I’d break something. So, the plan is to go to a park or somewhere where they have a nice level track or something. (Darryl ended up with the garage) :)

I found a recipe for garlic soup. It was totally amazing and I have declared it to be one of the best things I ever ate! I absolutely loved it…we actually all loved it except for Kyle which was fine with me b/c I got to eat what he didn’t finish (since I’m the cook). So glad I had a lot of garlic on hand b/c I used 50 cloves to make this soup and there wasn’t a drop leftover.

It's really good that I have time in my life to do things with my boys and my husband instead of running around all the time having to go places. It's nice we get to be together on days like this and just enjoy being with each other and not have to constantly look for satisfaction or pleasure with other people all the time. I think the Lord gives us the people (or lack thereof) in our lives for a reason. I think He is teaching me to rely on Him alone and not a lot of people to find my joy. I know that I need to get more into His word and make more time for studying, reading, praying. I wouldn't be able to do that if I'm having fun with friends.

Thank You, Father, for giving me what I need, YOU alone. Please help me be content in whatever situation You put me.

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