Saturday, June 26, 2010

Reunion Dinner at Hunterdon Hills Playhouse

Had a great time at our second high school reunion dinner last night. For $35 (or for any price) the meal was terrible, but we had a really fun time with everyone, lots of laughs. I’m glad Darryl was feeling better, and thankful that he was willing to drive me there. Here are a few pictures from it.

I did get sad when I heard a list of names of people who have died. A guy that grew up right down the road from me was one of them. Death comes to us all, and to some it comes quickly. Once we die there are no second chances. You will never have the opportunity to escape hell if you're not saved by the precious blood of Christ. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to save you, to give you eternal life. Do it today, because tomorrow may not come.

We got the tent and plan to be experts at putting it up before we go to Wildwood!

Ryan is singing tomorrow....busy day.

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