Tuesday, December 7, 2010

No More Night

Dana is having a boy.

I just feel like screaming. I guess I will spend next week trying to come to some kind of calm conclusion how to deal with things. I need to put it to rest because it is affecting my life. Because although I have placed my faith in God to see me and Darryl through this, and I know He will, that doesn’t ever guarantee a pain-free journey. Life is filled with heartache, disappointments, and tears. I’m trying so hard to be strong, and I know that God will give me strength when I am weak. But it’s hard!

I pray that God would send a nice Christian man into my daughter's life that will lead her to the Lord.

This video blessed me today. I hope it blesses you too.

There is coming a day for believers when God will wipe away our tears. I pray that anyone reading this would seek a relationship with God through Jesus Christ today while there is still time. None of us is promised tomorrow. Trust in Christ today to pay for your sins, and then you will live with Him forever in heaven instead of being separated from Him forever.

Seek Him today while He may be found.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Anonymous said...

As I learned in chapel today,

Favor with man = Punishment from God
Favor with God = Punishment from men

You gotta do the right thing 'cause it's the right thing, not somehow seeking to please God AND men. It's not possible.

I say, do what Chip's parents did when he was not a very Christian-y boy - just give up. Give up Dana to God. What happens ain't your fault or your problem. Reach out where you can, but ultimately God has to reach her first.

Linda Vegh said...

I love you, pastor Ryan.