Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Cactus

Here's my Christmas Cactus. It is just beginning to put forth some very awesome looking flowers. They are similar to orchids. I had no idea this thing only bloomed at a certain time of year, and only if the right conditions have been met. Glad to know I did something right without even trying! It's beginning to look so beautiful.

I was overwhelmed and bummed today about that dumb house. I know God is in control, but that doesn't mean the house will sell any time soon. I really hate to waste all that money just because we made a poor decision. But looking back, I can see the mistakes we made. For instance, we got absolutely nothing in writing! We naively walked into this thing with our eyes wide open, and made no legal provision for the mortgage or tax payments! Let this be a lesson to us: NEVER get financially entangled with a family member no matter what!! We are done being a personal bank. There will be no more hand-outs, no more debt forgiveness, no more free ride!

We reduced the price of the house today. If we sold it right now, this minute, we would likely break even.

“The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” 2 Thess. 3:10

So anyway, Kyle and Darryl are going to Michigan this weekend. It should be interesting to have the house to myself for a while.

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