Sunday, December 5, 2010

life changes fast

the testing of your faith produces perseverance... James 1:3.

Friday we drove to the house we own in Mount Laurel. There is a hole in the roof of the detached garage where the inspector fell through that was supposed to have been fixed. Obviously it was never fixed so Darryl at least patched it so that it won’t get further rotted out. I imagine that we will have to make more trips to that house as this situation progresses.On the way there, we drove to Brick Twp. and WON tickets to a Casting Crowns concert. There were no tickets available for sale, you had to win them to get them. It was pretty amazing that we did win them, especially after spending 2 hours to get there, and another hour waiting around! It was a busy day with all that driving around. When we got home that evening it was time to go to the concert. We waited for almost another 2 hours once we got there. Much to our disappointment though, the entire concert was only 45 minutes. We were all flabbergasted that Casting Crowns would hold a 45 min concert (8 songs!). It really lowered my opinion of them greatly. No matter how good their music is, that was an awful thing to do. The time we spent getting tickets was more valuable than paying $ for the tickets, and they treated our time as though it was nothing. It’s like going to a doctor’s office and they make you wait an hour before you can see Doctor. They have no respect or concern for your time. I am not fond of people like that.

Today after church Kyle and I took a trip to Shiloh Bible Camp. We were invited there to check out the facility. It was fantastic! Kyle is very much hoping that Preakness will schedule a camping event there soon. We would both like to spend a couple days there, so I volunteered to work there if Kyle goes camping!

It’s December 5th. Only 8 ½ more months of late Sunday nights at church.

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