Saturday, July 25, 2015

swimming with Ethan and Dana

fun in the pool
Grandma and Ethan

Grandpa and Ethan
Ethan trying out my rebounder
We had the best visit with Dana and Ethan today.
God is good.
Even with all our FAITH, He does so much more than we expect Him to.
He is full of surprises, and happy endings.
He doesn't give us all the things we want, but He gives us things that are far better, at just the right time.
I say I trust Him... I say I surrender.  But do I really?
If I did, wouldn't I just roll over and shrug when things don't go my way?
Or when people hurt me?
Why don't I trust God enough to get me through those times?
Why do I let myself get so hurt?
Is it because I am so passionate?
Joseph in the Bible didn't get hurt, even though he had every right to when his brothers sold him into slavery.  He kept a good attitude.  God was with him always, and he prospered.
I have tried to have a good attitude over the years, but I failed in the end.  I gave in to the hurt.
Doesn't that say I wasn't really trusting God's provision?
You know, it almost seems like nothing should phase us, ever.
Why can't I have the attitude of "God's in control of this"?
I should feel that way about every situation in my life, but I don't.
I worry... I plan...I fret...and become hurt, bitter, and unforgiving.

Oh well.
There was only One who was perfect.
The rest of us, well, we just plow through with our imperfections.
Day after day.
I need to learn to shrug more.

Thank you God, for reminding me who's in charge.
Please remind me again tomorrow.

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