Monday, July 27, 2015

God's perfect timing

How many times have I heard lately, "It's all in God's perfect timing"?  I have even said it quite a lot myself.  I'm almost sick of hearing it.  It's like the cure-all answer Christians give when we don't have any other answer, and we don't know what's going on.

Some people ask me what God's will is for my life.   Or they ask me if I'm running out ahead of God's will.

My answer is, "I have no idea." How would I know?  I have never read anything in the Bible that indicates if He prefers me living in NJ or MI.  I don't hear any voices speaking to me, and I don't think it really matters.  I don't think there is some divine reason for staying here...or one for leaving.  I think that God's will for me is to live according to His word no matter where I am, even if it's in Timbuktu.  And if there IS some divine purpose to be somewhere at a certain time, I can be sure that God will make the pieces fall together without me going crazy trying to arrange it myself.  We're not in Michigan yet, so obviously it's not His will YET.

We've had no showings on our house for over a month now.  We are going to reduce the price next week.  Our flesh has the tendency to get nervous or anxious when we are making all these huge decisions.  But I'm trying to just let it all go and let God figure it out.  We will just continue doing the best we can.

Tommee Profitt concert
Yesterday we had friends from church over for the afternoon.  It was super nice because it's something we rarely do.  We were able to enjoy the pool, and lots of food, and conversation.  

Last night we went to Tommee Profitt's next to last concert ever that he will have.  It was so wonderful.  I'm glad and thankful that we decided to go.  It was great to worship with them.  Tommee invited us over to his house to see his studio when we get to GR.  That will sure be sweet.  Ryan said it's a cool place.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow nicw post. i especially like what u said about God's will