Friday, July 17, 2015

re-making Your Great Name

I decided to re-make one of my old songs just for the HECK of it... sorry, I can't stop myself... no matter how much I get beat down.  I have so many songs inside me that must come out... I'm just warning you.  Even though the phone is a super lousy recording device, look people, that's all I have available to me.  When I go back to Michigan I am bringing my mixer and mic back with me!  So there, bleh...

Your Great Name

In case you are interested, here is the first time I tried singing it...less than 2 years ago.  This was my 1 month progress report playing guitar.

Your Great Name - first try

Wow, can you believe I kept at it after how horrible I sounded as a newb? Aw well, some people still think I sound horrible... Holy cow, I've made a ton of progress in under 2 years! I'm praising God that I haven't given up yet!  There must be something in me that just keeps going, like the aren't gonna stop me!!  I know God put this passion inside of me, and I'm not wiling to give up on my dream or let my God down by being a dang quitter.  Some day God WILL give me an opportunity!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep at it my love. God put that fire in you for a reason!