Sunday, July 12, 2015

just a little update after WV

our first potatoes of the season

can you guess how these flowers are suspended in space?

Can you figure out how that flower is suspended in mid air?  no?  haha... ok.  I'll never tell.

We are home from Mom's house.  We had such a nice time there with her.  It was great we got to go there and hang out with her for the week.  It was good to see her laugh, and enjoying life to some degree.

So, I forgot to tell you my Stevia project was a bust.  I ended up making 2 batches.  The first batch turned bitter, even though it was less than 36 hours.  The second bath just was not really that sweet, and it had a somewhat funky smell to it.  eh... oh well.  It was worth a shot.  Afterward I found liquid stevia in the store for like $2.  

I threw some rotten potatoes in the garden in the spring and they are growing like crazy.  I got our first 2 harvested today.  I know there are a bunch more out there, but I'm not ready to eat them yet so I will leave them under for a while.  We have lots of herbs and hot peppers.  Kinda exciting.  Tomatoes aren't ripe yet... but hoping we get them before the deer do.

Nobody is interested in buying our house.  We decided we are ok with whatever happens.  If we don't sell the house by fall we are taking it off the market.  I told Darryl I'm not spending another winter in NJ.  So no matter what, I'm outta here!!!   I miss being in Michigan.  I want to get my life started there.  I want to sing and worship God with people who actually want to sing with me!!

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