Saturday, July 2, 2011

fire flies and sunshine always make me smile

Last night we slept outside on the deck again. Really loving it out there, sleeping under the stars. There are lots of lightning bugs flickering and stars shining. We can hear the traffic out on the highway, but then as the night goes on the sound of traffic gives way to silence, except for the occasional plane flying over. One time we heard some animal shrieking in the woods. Pretty eery... Then we are awakened to the sound of a symphony of birds greeting the day. It is so magical. I will always remember these days. And when the boys bring their wives and kids home to visit we’ll tell them about all the fun we had and the crazy things we did.

This morning we went to the little park and practiced with our roller blades. Decided we didn’t want to go on the track at the big park until we all feel a little more comfortable with skating so we don’t wipe out the first time we go around. I think it went pretty good. I think we’ll do even better on the track because we won’t have to make teeny little circles. Hahaha... but I’m glad we did it this way for starters. Next time I will leave the knee pads and elbow pads at home and just take the helmet. (ended up picking up a lot more garbage today! people are such slobs!)

I am loving my rebounder! It is like the best cheap investment I ever made. It’s so little, and transportable, and easy, and fun, and it gives you a tremendous workout in a short amount of time. So glad I dug it out of the basement. Kyle made me a playlist of songs so that I have some heavy duty rock to work out and sweat to. Ryan snuck in Theocracy's Laying the Demon to Rest for a super fast beat!

It has become a challenge to me to see if I can get through a song without stopping. What a blast. And then to cool off in the pool is the proverbial icing on the cake.

Ryan is gearing up for his concert in August. No idea what it looks like yet, but it’ll sure be a cool show. He has been learning some very awesome music software stuff. He’s having an interesting time with all of it and making some very unusual sounds. As Kyle says, “It will be epic!”

Kyle is working on tutorials and it looks like he may be coming up with some ideas to make money from his website. He’s also looking into adding his logo to the World’s Yoyo competition backdrop and T-shirts.

It’s exciting to see what the boys are learning, trying to make their way in the world. Only a few years ago I didn’t even think they were going to go to college. Now they are not only going to college, but they are also working hard at pursuing their goals.

To God be the glory!

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