Thursday, October 21, 2010

Never borrow keys to the city

This is a view of Rt. 80 when we were going to church yesterday. We spend a lot of time on there. Kyle was trying to get a picture of the nice fall colors but the IPhone failed to pick them up. On Sunday morning we came within inches of an accident when a maniac truck driver came up fast behind me in the slow lane. He veered quickly to the middle lane, hit a tire, veered back behind me, ran off the road, and swerved one last time back behind me and back to the middle lane again. It happened so fast! I was shaking thinking how close we came to being hit at 65 mph. It almost put the fear of Rt. 80 in me. The only reason I went to church that day was because I had the bulletin. Otherwise I would have stayed home because I was still sick.

There is a full moon tonight.

CBC went really good last night. We had 22 kids and not enough leaders so it was pretty crazy. Kyle played guitar again because we didn’t know the piano guy was coming. But it was good because they played well together! Next week things will go back to normal and I won’t have to do any more “up front” stuff.

Children’s church went well but a bit disappointing that there weren’t many kids there. Maybe next Sunday will be better. I have a very fun object lesson planned for the kids to teach them about salvation.

Kyle and I have been trying to plan a trip to NYC. But so far we haven’t been able to go because either we have been sick, or busy, or both! Can’t wait to go!

Darryl’s in Las Vegas this week.

Me and Kyle are still coughing.

That is my week.

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