Tuesday, October 12, 2010

lots going on

I’m so excited about CBC tomorrow!! I get to run the show while the boss is away. Hahaha! This should be very interesting. Now I’m just hoping Kyle isn’t too sick to go because it will be nice to have him there for moral support. I am trying to talk him into playing some chords on his guitar for song time because our piano guy isn’t coming!

So, if he feels up to it, we will spend the whole day at church, starting with womens Bible class while Kyle does his school work. Then I will teach his Bible lesson. Then we can head to the Belmont Grill for lunch again because I know he looks forward to that! Then we can try to come up with some game ideas for the Fall Festival, and then set up for CBC. And then the fun begins!

The church website is coming along nicely! We are able to put the sermons online, but unfortunately we had to upgrade to a paid account to get all the cool features, one of which is unlimited audio files and bandwidth. We have also started making CD's which is another new venture.

Thursday is my next court date for the trial. I’m trying so hard not to be nervous. I wracked my brain trying to think of one shred of evidence that the officer could have against me, but I can’t think of one thing. Even if he is as arrogant as I give him credit for, he’d be an idiot to walk in there with nothing and that’s all he’s got! If he has a video of what happened, all it will show is my pretty blue car signaling and then pulling in front of him from the right lane. That’s it. Darryl and I have been looking at the law. It basically says the same thing the driver’s manual says, but it’s in legalese. He also has a call in to a lawyer now, waiting to hear back. If this thing actually does go to trial though, I will be shocked! My Dad told me to leave my emotions home that day. Yes Dad, I will. Also, note to self: take a St. John’s Wort pill so I am nice and calm.

After court on Thursday I am seeing my dentist again about the root canal that lived, as well as the loose crown. I’m guessing he will want to have a “do-over” after he takes the post out (if that can even be done). It’s so annoying. I haven’t been able to chew on that side for almost a year now. My mouth hasn’t been very happy.

“My God is so big, so strong and so mighty,
there’s nothing my God cannot do”

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