Friday, November 6, 2015

i drove to michigan!

Doug, Lynne, Me
I decided to take a spontaneous trip to Michigan by myself.  I thought it would be good to get away right now, hang out with my boys for a while, go to Ryan's party, and help out the Rolffs so they don't have to buy airfare to NJ next week.  It took me 12 hours and 20 minutes.  I'm so proud of myself.

I drove half way and then I was able to stay at my brother's house for the night, even though I only gave him less than 24 hours notice that I was coming.  Haha...we had a lot of fun.  Went to dinner, talked, relaxed, sang. It was a great opportunity to develop our relationships.  Super nice...and I hope I was able to share the love of Jesus.
extended kitchen table
The Hill's came by recently and brought the extra leafs to our table.  Just in time for Ryan's big CD Release party tonight.  We had to put the table on an angle and let it flow into the living room.  We are expecting a large crowd.  It should be a wild and crazy night.

Ryan invited me to the praise band worship practice to help me get familiar with all of the workings of the rehearsal.  It was a good experience to be there and learn what all goes on and how to set up and everything.   It made me feel really good that when I walked in carrying a guitar the Pastor assumed I was playing this week.  I told him I wasn't because I'm not familiar with the the songs they are doing this week.  But it was nice that I was welcome!  Ryan thought about having me sing this week but I don't really feel comfortable because I don't know any of the songs, and I don't want to try to learn 5 new songs in a few days.  So we agreed to wait till another time.

Let's see, Hilary came over for supper last night.  That was fun.  She'll be here today for the party too.  I can't wait to see how it goes tonight with Ryan playing his CD for everyone.

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