Saturday, July 12, 2014

open mic at Caffe A La Mode

Amazing Grace

I Surrender All 

 Here Goes Nothing - Ryan

My Heart Is Ticking - Ryan

Those are the 4 songs we did at Caffe A La Mode last night.  For some reason, I was more nervous than the last time I was there.  Maybe it was because it was a different kind of crowd than last time.  The musicians last night all seemed to be more mature (well seasoned) singers/ performers.  I got up to sing right after some "famous" dude from Nashville.  I was intimidated, but went on anyway. I kinda messed up a couple times, but oh well, it happens to everyone.  Gotta just forgive yourself on the spot and keep it rolling.  I've gotten so much better at just moving on, and not getting flustered or making faces.  Yes, that is real progress!  It's not always about how you start out, but how you end a song that matters.

Ryan said that it felt like when people heard me start out singing a Christian song, that everyone got real quiet to listen.  Eventually several people began singing along, which is exactly what I was hoping for.  In fact, I told Darryl he better sing in the audience so that other folks would do the same.  It worked like a charm, and it made me feel better knowing that people were singing with me, and not just me singing for them.

Ryan got a huge applause for his first song.  On the second one, the spoken word, some people were just sitting there smiling, others I think weren't sure what to make of it.  After it was over, one of the singers invited Ryan (and family) to another place in Warwick where they have a younger crowd and do more spoken word.  A lady came up to me and told me how much she enjoyed my performance.  She said it was lovely.  She kept clapping at the end (or beginning?) of every verse.    haha and she had told Ryan it was so nice to hear someone singing about God.

We only have 1 more opportunity to sing there before the boys go back to college.  We are planning on learning a new song this week, and also having Kyle play djembe with us.  We will probably do it on Thursday and Friday at 2 different places.   Psyched to sing more, but sad it's about to end.  It makes me wonder what will happen when the boys leave.  Will I keep doing it by myself?  Will it be good?  Will I even want to?  Will I be too depressed to sing?  Or will I get a spurt of confidence to plunge forward?  I don't know.  I'll just keep trusting God and see where He takes me.  Like the line from My Hope goes, "I don't know where You'll take me, but I know You're always good!"   Amen to that.

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