Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bye Bye Birdie

Our little birds all grew big so fast, I can't believe they've all left home just since yesterday.  We saw this cute little guy as he left his bird house... he flew right over and perched on my glove at the top of the garden post.
Then he came back over near his house and landed on our swing.  From there, he flew right towards us and landed on my shirt.  We were all so surprised; Ryan tried to get his camera quickly but too late to capture that really cool moment.
Then he flew over to the back of this chair...and then a few minutes later we saw him fly happily into the woods.  Now the house is empty, just like mine will be soon.  Hard to believe we gotta go through this again soon.

On another topic, we are singing tonight at The Canal House in Wharton.  Right now I'm super nervous, so I'm hoping my nerves settle down before that.  Also, today Ryan is giving Kenny his second voice lesson.  Hoping that goes wonderfully too. This is such great practice for Ryan to be a vocal coach.

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