Friday, July 11, 2014

2nd open mic at The Canal House

Our second night at the Canal House seemed a bit awkward.  Was there a full moon or something?   There were a handful of people there when we started, but by the end the place was pretty empty.  It was almost distracting in a way, and maybe that's partly why there were some lyrical issues....(brain fog?).

When we were done, Dave talked to us a for quite a while.  He wants us to do our set after his next week, rather than us starting out the night.  He wants us to introduce the songs, and talk about "Jesus and His love," or whatever the songs mean to us.  He said we had great songs.  He told me I have a "beautiful voice."   And after having what felt like an off night, that was a greatly appreciated affirmation.  Instead of being reminded of my imperfections, I was reminded that the gift I'm sharing is beautiful.

Here are the videos from last night.  Some are better; some possibly not.  We decided about an hour before going to switch a couple of songs.  We added one that we've been wanting to do for a long time, but hadn't practiced it for over a year.  It's funny how a song can end up at the bottom of a pile, and then when you bring it out, there is suddenly familiarity, yet newness to it.



My Hope

Speak Your Word


Here Goes Nothing

You Won't Relent

One Thing Remains

Tonight we are headed back to Caffe A La Mode in Warwick, NY.  We want the boys to experience the enthusiastic atmosphere there!

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