Tuesday, January 11, 2011

visions of cake balls floating in zero gravity

Here is a picture of an Amaryllis bulb that I got for my birthday. It is getting so BIG, and I have to keep spinning it around so it doesn’t bend over reaching for the sun. Haha… It is going to be so pretty when it blooms. I will definitely post a picture when it does. It’s going to be red.

Well, Ryan is off on tour these days; Alabama, Florida. So, they leave Grand Rapids and then travel south only to get hit with snow there! Georgia is under about 6” of snow. Weird weather all over. Must be that global warming…. Ryan’s having a really great time though! I can’t wait to see the video. Somebody better be recording my son’s beautiful voice or I will have to contact the college and cause a ruckus. Hehe…

Let’s see. Kyle finally got back to Gen Y Sunday night. So, he was glad about that. Next time I need to bring a heater to plug in because I was shivering the whole time. Packers won their game on Sunday. That was good. So they might actually make it to the Super Bowl this year, and WIN. That would make a few people very happy I’m sure, especially since they didn’t win it last time they had the chance. ;)

Yesterday my new knife arrived to replace the burnt one. Can you believe that is a $45 knife? And today Sears came and replaced the burnt stove top, so now it is as good as new! Yay! It only took 3 ½ weeks. I promise to be more careful from now on and not start any more fires.

Supposedly there's a big snow storm coming tonight into tomorrow. I’ll believe it when I see it. Seems people these days get all nervous over a little bit of snow. Kyle is going to miss CBC this week if we do get snow and the schools are closed. That means he missed it for like a month. I think he should go into Children's ministry somehow. Maybe with his yoyo skills? I can’t wait to see where God is going to lead him. Today he received a really sweet camera from the UK to borrow for 2 weeks. He has to make a yoyo vid with it with the hopes of winning a trip to Florida and to experience this anti-gravity thingy…which sounds really awesome! I’d love to do that. It’s like a dream of mine to float around in zero gravity. You go, Kyle! You are awesome!

We were going to get some Sweet Jane Lynn cake balls delivered tomorrow at church. But alas, my mouth will have to wait one more week for those delicious balls of yumminess because of the impending snow storm. Ah well...I can wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the title of this one! Hehe.