Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's a new year!

We had such a great time last night at the Grace Church New Years Eve party. It was so nice to have some place to go for a change, rather than sit home again. We didn’t realize they were serving a full dinner, so we ended up eating twice, not to mention the huge assortment of yummy desserts, including this one that I made, Fudgy Bonbons with peanut butter cups inside. So delicious!We enjoyed a wonderful time of worship after dinner, and then an amazing comedian named David Ferrell did a show. We just loved it, and laughed so hard. It was great to be there with my family and meet up with some old friends and acquaintances! What a perfect way to end the year.

Looking forward to seeing what God is doing this year, and wondering if Jesus is coming back soon. Happy 2011 everyone!

...forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead...
Philippians 3:13

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