Tuesday, January 4, 2011


After years of nagging, my husband surprised me by buying lights to go over our kitchen counter. I do an awful lot of cooking and it is pretty dark right where I do all my prep work. So, here’s how far he has gotten.
Big hole in ceiling

Yesterday I got offered the position of Food Services Manager/Head Chef at the Lake Michigan Camp for the summer. I was blown away! This offer came from someone who has never met me personally or eaten my food, but only knows me from Facebook. I can imagine it would be pretty thrilling to spend the summer on the lake, and I consider it an honor to be asked, but there are some real issues that stand in the way of taking the job. For one, my husband would be here in NJ all alone for the summer. My kids would be ripped away from their home, friends, and church ministries. And I would probably not be able to do all the work I do for Preakness. I can imagine it would be a tough job planning meals and ordering food and preparing meals three times a day for a mob of hungry little kids. It’s not something I have ever done before. I imagine I would be exhausted (even though I would have the boys there to help). But I’m leaving the door open for just a little while to see what happens.

Today I made these really scrumptious Pepperoni Pizza Puffs to go with our Pasta dinner. They were outrageous!! Will plan to make them again for Super Bowl, maybe with hot sausage next time.

What else? I have decided to join this program for reading the Bible in 90 days. (B90X) So far so good. And since I am a terrible reader, I am going to listen to it on CD while I'm reading it so that I don't miss anything. When I read, I get distracted, or I can't read things right because of a bit of dyslexia. But if I read along with the CD man, I catch everything! So far it has been so captivating I can barely put it down. I started on Jan 1 and I'm already finished with Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. I'm about 12 days ahead of schedule. And now I think the worst is behind me...

Tomorrow Kyle and I are going to church for Bible class for me and a Bible lesson for Kyle.

So, what are my resolutions? Read the Bible in 90 days, and get in shape physically. I'm psyched...

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