Monday, August 30, 2010

our time in Michigan

It’s been a very busy past few days. We left Canton and came to Grand Rapids. Made our way through car show traffic, and saw lots of really cool cars, to the 31st Annual “Dozynki” Polish Harvest Festival at Rosa Parks Circle. It was nuts there. Lots of people, lots of beer, lots of dancing to polka. We managed to get some food. Not crazy about it, but glad for the odd experience.
Yesterday we went to church at Frontline and met lots of people that we kinda sorta know from other times that we’ve met them… it was cool to meet folks who had gotten married at Preakness, and it was great that Ryan and Kyle got to see some of their friends from the missions trip. It was a nice, unexpected, service outside in the campground. Ryan helped lead, that was fun. Pastor John did a little bbq-ing to make an illustration. After the service, he gave out samples.

Then we headed out to buy some stuff that Ryan needs for college. Stopped at Target and realized some of those nasty red balls that are always attacking Tommee were there guarding the place. But Ryan subdued them.
Last night we caught the Tommee Profitt concert at the New Community Church. It was great to see all of them again! And I’m glad Ryan was able to be there for it. We had a blast!

We also got to hear Dove award winner Mitch McVicker, and he was amazing! He co-wrote songs with Rich Mullins, and was badly injured in the accident that took Rich’s life. His testimony was wonderful, and sad.
The boys really enjoyed his music! Will post vids later!
After the concert we hit Denny’s for a late supper with Ryan. I was sad.
Today we take Ryan to the college….not sure how I’m gonna handle that at all. God, please help me be calm. I need Your strength.

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