Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mrs. Problem Solver

This is the only picture I have today. I planted these cuttings that I got from Jennifer in Orlando that she brought from Indiana. The one on the left is some sort of philodendron with holes in the leaves. The other one is a Hoya plant (aka Wax plant or Tears of Christ plant).

I also planted a couple of things out in the yard, took Ryan to get a checking account, cooked, cleaned, did laundry, went shopping, got Kyle’s transcripts almost all printed, got GBC application done, got labels/postcards figured out for new labels I bought, and printed out 3 weeks of lessons for Bible course, which I should be studying right now, but I’m doing this instead.

Darryl is in Washington DC, Ryan went to a party and tubing on the lake, and Kyle and I stayed here to get stuff done. Tomorrow I am probably gonna have to get a root canal, Ryan has to order books for college, go over list of stuff he needs, write thank-yous, Kyle and I have to finish and print the last transcript and send that stuff off in the mail, and I am going to go over CBC stuff at church.

Kyle is busy working on his website redoing the format of it to make it look nice and professional. He was playing Switchfoot for me. =) He works so hard, and it's been worth it because first impressions on a website are very important! I’m so proud of him for getting a partnership with SPYY.

Almost every night when I go to bed he says to me, “Don’t try to solve the world’s problems” because he knows I have a tendency to lay in bed thinking about the stuff that I didn’t get done that needs to be done…..

"I got peace like a river...."

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