Monday, May 24, 2010

Memory Lane and beyond...

I got to spend lots of time at church yesterday. It was great being there at night, all alone. Kinda spooky, walking around in the dark with the side door unlocked. But I think I will get used to being there on Sunday nights so Kyle can go to the high school/college small group after church in the evening. Otherwise, he won’t have a chance to get to know the other kids. So, next time I am going to bring a nice snack with me, and hopefully I’ll have HAVA on my new laptop so I can watch Iron Chef. I always look forward to that on Sunday evenings. I could read, but usually by that time I’m too tired and just want to veg out. The peace and quiet will be good. No distractions. Maybe I can pray. Yes, I can make this a very positive thing. It’s good to be alone.

Today Ryan and I started planning his graduation party. I have no idea how to do a party, so I hope I can do it nice for Ryan. I guess it hadn’t sunk in yet that he FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL (almost 2 weeks ago). He basically taught himself through the last 4 years. And he even taught his brother along the way. I’m so proud of how much he has accomplished! Like, oh yeah, he’s totally done with school at home, which means I only have 1 more year with Kyle. Wow, and then what? Ryan will probably be off to Grace Bible College, and who knows, maybe Kyle will too. Ryan’s senior transcript is done and will be mailed to GBC tomorrow.

Looking down the road, where does that leave Darryl and me? So much to think about. This week we celebrate 20 years of marriage. Really makes me reflect on my life. It just so happened that I was looking for a box of tracts today and stumbled upon a box of pictures instead. It took me back through my life. It was emotionally exhausting. Some smiles along the way, but a lot of hard times; raising my daughter alone, remembering how close we used to be.
Some other memories: me on my horse, vacations, kids…thin thighs, tight abs.

Yeah, it sure is a bummer getting old.

Maybe I’ll post one of the “me on Scout” pictures tomorrow. I’ll keep the “me in bikini” pictures under my bed.

1 comment:

Ryan Vegh said...

You're funny, Mum. :) Good, sad, all kinds of mixed memories. Appreciate your humor.