Friday, April 9, 2010

What If?

I have a high school reunion coming up soon. It’s kind of funny looking back on those days. I was so shy and self conscious back then it was ridiculous. I was afraid to speak my mind, never had my own opinion, nervous to answer questions, terrified to get in front of a crowd. What makes us like that? We tend to focus on US! We magnify US! We put ourselves under a microscope b/c we think others are scrutinizing us. While I think most people assume these are signs of humility, I have learned that being shy is really just a symptom of self-centeredness. Once we take the focus off of US and onto others, there is no more shyness and the love of God can come through us.

Here’s a video I saw this morning. It’s from the youth group in Bayside Church in Roseville, California. What a great message in here, both for kids in school and for adults as well. Think about what can happen if we actually do what the Bible tells us and put others ahead of ourselves! Watch it. It’s less than 2 minutes.

What If? from The Bridge on Vimeo.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Philippians 2:3

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