Tuesday, April 13, 2010

BMI and Pucketts

Yesterday we flew out to Nashville...it was interesting. Considering some mistakes made along the way, I'm thankful we got here!

Today Ryan had a songwriter's workshop at BMI for 5 hours. When Kyle and I drove back to the hotel it took us 40 minutes b/c we went to every Hilton in Nashville trying to find the right one. Discovered that our hotel was only 1/2 mile away!! (I know, pathetic!) But it made for some interesting scenic driving. Then we walked through town to try and find a yoyo store, ended up in a not so nice area that we were happy to get out of. Seemed like instead of being music row, it was bar row. And we didn't find any yoyos.

After that fiasco, we went to Pucketts for a songwriting/singing competition. Just made it there on time. Met Darwin and some other folks there. Ryan sang "All I Got Left Is God." He didn't win or anything, but had a great time. Darwin invited Kyle to come up and do some yoyo tricks as well, so that was fun! I'll post that video tomorrow.

Kyle took some pictures on his camera, but I can't post them b/c he forgot the plug thing. Have to do it when we return to NJ.
Tomorrow Ryan has a song writing session with a guy named Ronnie. And then the rest of the day will be spent at the Indie Universtiy workshop/seminar, which continues for the rest of the week.
We're all tired, but having fun together!

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