Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Forgetting what is behind...and below

So, today I started the long climb out of my pity pit.
I spent a good deal of time cleaning and thinking, and analyzing myself and my situation.

After much consideration, I believe my only two options are: 1. Go back to Darryl’s church and try once again to make friends there among the throngs. Or 2. Stay where I am and understand that people don’t necessarily want to be friends with a woman whose husband goes to a diff church. I guess it’s just too uncomortable for people to accept me and my sons for who we are. Nobody knows what to do with us. And I can understand that. It seems to be one of the prices I pay for switching churches and splitting up our family.

I’m looking forward to going to Nashville next week. Hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to see things more clearly b/c I won’t be right in the middle of it, and always getting my feelings hurt. It’ll be good to be out of NJ and just concentrate on my kids. I need to figure out what’s most important, and what is good for my boys, especially Kyle.

Our last CBC is tomorrow. Kyle is taking his ACT this weekend. We are getting things ready for Tenn trip... April will fly by.

1 comment:

Preakness Bible said...

We do love you Linda. Thanks for all you do in serving the Lord.