Monday, April 5, 2010

a misfit of life

Ever have a day where you just feel like a misfit of life? That's how I feel. Like I don't really belong anywhere.....just kind of drifting through life alone with no place to go where I'm welcome.

Seems pretty pathetic when you can live in the same house for 17 years and go to the same church for 16 years and not come away with a friend or two. And after more than a year (3 yrs off and on) at my new church, I still don't have any friends there either. I guess everyone has enough friends. They don't need one more. (I understand how Kyle feels!)

I must be a very unlikable human being.

I don't have the right marital status, or the right age kids, or live in the right's always something.

Well, I think I'll go cry myself to sleep now. I should feel much better tomorrow.

God, thank you that you still love me.

1 comment:

Karl said...

We have a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Sorry you feel this way Linda.