Thursday, August 20, 2015

Jesus Loves Me

Since the house was quiet today, aside from a couple of pretty fierce downpours, I thought I'd try to record another song that I love. This is one that I thought would be super nice to do with Ryan sometime. But since he's not here, and I'm not there, I had to do the low male part and the higher harmony myself.  It really is too bad I don't have anyone to sing with.  Even so, I did enjoy this challenge. I'm learning a lot!  This is forcing me to pay attention to timing and rhythm and all sorts of things I don't focus on enough when I'm playing and singing at the same time.

It sure takes a lot longer doing it this way than just turning on my phone and hitting the record button... but eh, this is a new experience and I want to learn as much as I can.

I'm still trying to deal with being "home" in NJ.  I personally didn't think I'd be here this long.  I keep asking God what's the plan, but you know God....He's not real quick to answer most of the time.  I'm just sitting here wonderin' what on earth is going on.  Not exactly the test of patience I wanted, but I guess I needed it.

Trying to make my time here really count.

PS- My husband doesn't even know yet that I got all that equipment hooked up and successfully working.  He also doesn't know I got the battery changed in my guitar (yay!!) and found the other guitar cable, cuz otherwise I would have been up a creek, as they say.  I think he will be amazed that I got 2 songs recorded this week!  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice job setting everything up, figuring out how to record your two parts and guitar. Sounds pretty nice!