Wednesday, April 1, 2015

a song in my heart is a song on my lips and a song on my guitar....

Remember a while back I posted that I was finally declaring my song For You was done?  And then just the other day I posted it again saying I had tweaked it?  Welllllll, I confess, when I listened back to it, I was not happy with it.  So, it's back to my studio for a re-do... AGAIN.
I promise you, this one will be much better.  haha... yep, that's the way it is.

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who does this to their songs.  I remember Zuke telling me she had many renditions of her songs.  And I'm pretty sure Ryan does the same thing.  :)

Oh, and it looks like I will start getting Skype voice lessons from Ryan!  And now that he's a professional vocal coach (and guitar teacher), he's not "cheap".  

Oh, and this Sunday (Easter) is the grand debut of our new church choir.  I had mistakenly assumed that having the choir do a special music meant that it was just going to be the choir singing the special music....but in reality it's going to be the band singing the whole song.  Some of the choir will join in at the second verse, and then Lori and I jump in at the end to do harmony - not much of a debut.  It should be kinda funny having the two of us standing up there doing nothing except looking like dummies....oh well, at least we can laugh about that together.

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