Tuesday, September 9, 2014

walking in the garden

Today's pickings
I went in the garden today not expecting to find many tomatoes left, but I ended up with a whole shirt full.  And there are still lots out there!!  I didn't realize I had planted Heirlooms, but when I checked 2 of the name tags, that's what they were.  I was glad I kept the tags, because those are my favorite tomatoes this year.  We also did Romas, and Cherry tomatoes, and I like those too.  Especially the cherry tomatoes, when I'm walking through the garden I just pop them in my mouth while I'm picking.  I think I got that habit from my parents.

This one is conjoined...
These will make a lovely sauce.
All blended up and starting to simmer.

A yummy finished batch!
It is so yummy with the fresh basil and oregano from my garden.  I also picked our first watermelon yesterday.  It is delicious!  It was so exciting.

Sugar Baby
I have 2 more in the garden that aren't quite ready yet.

I have more herbs in the garden that I need to harvest and dry for the winter.  That will be kinda cool, huh?  Something very special about using my own herbs in my dishes.

And I see the deer are coming back into my front yard eating my plants.

I am still working on my guitar and vocal skills.  I have been feeling pretty discouraged lately, and I'm not sure why.  Sometimes I feel like I 'm not progressing as much as I'd like.  I've always been so optimistic, but lately I'm trying to be more realistic I guess, and trying to make it sink in that it's going to take a really long time.

Darryl is so encouraging to me.  Gosh, I can't believe how insecure I am.

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