Friday, January 24, 2014

Who’s your daddy?

Listen, this isn’t what you think.  (Don’t you hate it when someone starts out a sentence with “Listen”?)  I’m not talking about your physical earthly father, I’m talking about your spiritual father – your real father - the one you belong to and take after.   You have his characteristics, and act like him.  You can’t help it.  You have his nature. 

If you are Christian (I’m talking about a real Christian, not just someone who “considers” himself to be Christian), then your Father is God Almighty, the Creator of all there is, the First and the Last, the Great I Am….yeah you get the picture.  If God is your Father, then I would expect you to be loving, kind, patient, forgiving, and a slew of other cool and godly things.  I would expect you to view the Bible as God’s written word, the Truth.

If you are not a Christian, then your father is Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, the Angel of Light.   What are some of his lovely traits?  Oh yes, he is evil and wicked to the core. He is a deceiver, an accuser, a murderer, a tempter, a thief, and the father of lies, among many other nasty things.  If this bad boy is your daddy, then I’d expect you to view the Bible as a book of old legends and myths and stories.

John 8:44 For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.

An interesting thing is that when we are born into this world, Satan is everyone’s daddy.  He is the God of this world.  We are all born with his ugly sinful nature. 

2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

We all start out the same, but there is a way to get a new Father.  If you want a new nature, seek adoption by God the Father by trusting in His Son, Jesus Christ.  He died on the cross to give you a new life, to take away your horrible sin nature, to pay for all your screw ups, and make you a child of God.  Satan offers doubt, fear, guilt, anger, hatred, hopelessness, shame, bitterness, unforgiveness, and eternal damnation.  On the other hand, God offers love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self control, mercy, hope, and eternal life.

Seems like a no-brainer to me.  We all start out as lost sinners, but we don’t have to stay that way.  God made a way for us to be His child, and it cost Him the life of His only Son.  (John 3:16)  The moment you trust in Jesus Christ, you will be forgiven and free.

And while we are on the subject of fathers, can anyone explain to me why a woman would deliberately go out and get pregnant and have a child with full intention of raising the child alone without the father?  In what universe does make sense?  Every child has an earthly father who created them, and every child needs their father.  To set out in a deliberate manner to raise a child fatherless is an act of cruelty and selfishness.  A person who does this is so self-absorbed that they don’t have room for compassion for others.  A person who does this thinks more highly of themselves than they ought to because they THINK that they are better and smarter than a man and a woman raising a child together.  They THINK the child is better off with just them…and they are dead WRONG.  God planned all along that a man and a woman should be joined together in marriage, where children would be raised together by both parents.  My heart breaks for any child who’s very immature and selfish mother had them because they “wanted” a baby, in the same way someone might want a dog or a cat.  They think it will be fun to have a baby.  They think they deserve a baby because they are spoiled rotten little brats who are used to getting whatever they want.  But they never think twice of the consequences of their choices or take any responsibility for the messes they cause.  They play the victim and blame others for every disaster in their lives. 

Some day, I pray that those little fatherless children when asked, “Who’s your daddy?” can say, “God!”  Even if their moms are dummies for doing what they did, I pray that they will turn to God and be forgiven of all their stupid and selfish junk.

2 Corinthians 5: 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

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