Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Manor

couch in the ladies bathroom
 We decided to do something totally outrageous and took the kids to The Manor in West Orange.  It was so ridiculously extravagant that I felt kinda guilty afterward.  My thoughts go something like this, "None of us could eat $50 worth of food."  Oh well.  It's a very fun memory.  It was very cool being able to try all the fancy food and desserts.  And some of us ended up feeling very sick for having tried to eat $50 worth of food!  haha :-D

We had a super nice week with Hilary being here.  We cooked and ate a lot, played some fun Wii games, did a lot of relaxing, and they even had a chance to go skiing.  Now the house is quiet again.

And Ryan is still on tour with the GBC Men's quartet.  They are doing all kinds of fun and exciting things while traveling.  He's making some terrific memories and gaining some great experiences through all of this.  It looks like there may even be a full time worship leading job on the horizon.

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