Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful God provides a cure for cancer

me and Ethan

Dana and Ethan

Thanksgiving Dinner
Happy Thanksgiving!

Here we are in West Virginia visiting with Mom and Dad, and Scott and Flo.  We are having a nice time, but eating too much.  Ethan is getting so big and cute and is really beginning to talk more!  Little kids are so fun when they start talking!

So happy that Mom and Dad are doing so well.  A couple of years ago Dad was so sick and was near death.  Between fibromyalgia, and kidney failure, and possibly a heart attack and God only knows what else was wrong with him, and the doctors said there was really nothing they could do for him.  They sent him home with a bunch of prescriptions, some of which made him feel worse.  My mom did her research and found natural remedies using herbs and vitamins.  Today my Dad is completely free of every prescription and he is well!  Praise God for that.  So thankful that my mom didn't just roll over and accept the word of doctors!

I do a bit of my own research and find it appalling that our medical world rejects natural remedies because no one can make money from them.  Doctors, hospitals, and drug companies WANT us fat, sick, and dying, especially with cancer.  There is so much money to be made from cancer treatments.  It breaks my heart how many people have to go through needless radiation and chemo because doctors won't tell their cancer patients the truth, that there was a cure for cancer 40 years ago.

Just as scurvy was a deadly disease brought on by a vitamin C deficiency, so it is with cancer today being brought on by a lack of B17 in our diets today.  And any doctor who has investigated it and knows the truth is legally not even allowed to tell you about it, or prescribe it.  What the heck kind of world do we live in where it is against the law to cure CANCER!!

Ok, that is the end of my rant for today.  But boy, this sure burns me up.

google it, or watch this YouTube:
G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17

There are plenty of other videos to watch, but this one is pretty good.  Or get the book by G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer.  When I  bought my first bottle of amygdalin (B17 or laetrile) back in 2007 it was only available from Mexico.  Now you can buy it (or Apricot seeds) directly from Amazon! Cancer does not have to exist in our world.  It is so easy to prevent it.

If you want to be healthy, or if you have a health issue, your first course of action shouldn't be running to your doctor to get a dangerous drug.  It should be to diligently research all the God-given natural resources such as food, herbs and vitamins.  There is a wealth of healing out there if we are willing to do the work to find it.

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