Monday, February 25, 2013

hello, it's me

Saturday we went to a travel agent to discuss going to Italy.  It was more expensive than we thought, so we have tons more research to do on it.

Darryl wanted to take my picture before I went to the party at church Saturday night. I think it was because I was wearing a pretty pink pin that the boys got me for Christmas.  The party was fine, but as usual I awkwardly tried making conversation with people, and I ate way too much.  But I survived.  Decided to spend the night at church instead of driving home, so that was kinda cool.  I thought it might be creepy, but it really wasn't.  It reminded me of staying in New York when we were there over the summer.  I listened to cars going by until probably 1 am, then it started to quiet down.  There was a nice street light right outside my window to cast enough light into the sanctuary to make it so I could see a bit.  Too bad I forgot to take any pictures.  lol... hey it was more fun than driving home!!  How many people get to say they sleep at their church?  I had a nice breakfast on Sunday morning.  My fun experience at church...what could be better?  

Today was a busy day.  Began cleaning, and preparing a menu for next week. A lot to think about. A lot to get done.  I had to put away all my sewing and painting supplies.  I also tried a new recipe today.  It was a Chinese dish, and I needed a Wok,  so Darryl went out and bought me one!  It's so cool.  I will need to make some modifications to the recipe I used.  But I greatly loved having my new food processor to get all the ingredients sliced and chopped.  What a time saver.  

I love singing or doing a voice lesson while I cook.  Today I worked on a Perfect Pitch course.  haha....I need all the help I can get!!   Been trying to learn harmony, but I have a long way to go.

I am very excited that I only have 2 more physical therapy sessions.  I'm so psyched to be almost done!  Now I feel like I'm strong enough to get back in shape.  I absolutely have to lose some weight before we go to New Orleans.  We will be doing a lot of eating there....and I only have a few weeks to get ready.

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