Monday, October 3, 2011

let us do good to all

Today I spent all morning working on making care packages for the boys. I sent homemade granola bars, beef jerky, almond butter, cookies, and some other treats along with a couple of little things we got on the cruise.
Our first Coached by Christ went smoothly, I thought. So happy to see the kids back. I hope that I can do a good job teaching this year. It's nice that I don't have to lead songs, even though I enjoyed some aspects of it last year.
Pastor Karl doing his object lesson.
Danielle and Trinity are doing a good job with the sign.
Here is the trailer where I took showers while working for SP. It is funny that we had to walk through the parking lot to take a shower!
This is one of our morning devotionals after breakfast.
I was telling a little story at one of our dinners of a ceiling fan that was right behind my head and I didn't even know it was there. Someone else noticed it, and shut it off before it hit me.
Bible Study we had when SP was there.
It's been a busy month for me. Wondering when or if it will slow down. It always surprises me what the Lord will have me do. One of the owner's of Shiloh Bible Camp suggested that I do some ministry work there, because they need help. Well, gee wiz, that sounds like an excellent idea. Maybe I could still be a cook for kids camps and not have to go all the way to Lake Michigan! I will definitely check into it and see what I can do.

Galatians 6:10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

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